Mar. 2009
We devised a typographic code for phonetics that can help people pronounce certain words in the English language more easily.
As each vowel has several same sounds, we added a subtle stick line to the each vowel in order according to the tongue position
in the mouth for being distinguished, which included front to back, top to bottom.

Typographic Code

Complex or unfamiliar words from William Shakespeare’s play, ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ were used to prove the praticality of the code.

Typographic Code

Typographic Code

Typographic Code

To the native English speakers, it is useful when they read or pronounce the name of places, roads of other countries or
even people names, which are written in English. Vice versa, to people who are from non-English speaking countries,
it is helpful when they do not know how to pronounce certain words.